Our Destinations in Egypt
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0 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. The town was founded between 282 BC and 268 BC, by Satyrus (Ancient Greek: Σάτυρος). It was called Philotera (Ancient Greek: Φιλωτέρα) in honor of the deceased sister of the Pharaoh Ptolemy II Philadelphus. Stephanus of Byzantium write that it was also called Philoterida (Ancient Greek: Φιλωτερίδα).Safaga City is considered one of the most important therapeutic tourist centres, as

Sharm El-Sheikh
0 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. Sharm el-Sheikh was uninhabited throughout most of historical time due to its prohibitive climate, but it gained modern importance because of its strategic situation commanding the narrow entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba. The entrance is 14 miles (23 km) northeast of Sharm el-Sheikh’s bay, at the Strait of Tiran. The

Marsa Alaam
0 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. Marsa Alam used to be a sleepy fishing village but the area around it has a very interesting ancient history. Gold and emeralds were minded in the barren and the road leading from Marsa Alam west to Edfu in the Nile Valley follows an ancient route that was originally built

0 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. The ancient capital of Thebes centered around the Temple of Amon, dedicated to the ancient Egyptian’s primary god. The temple was commissioned by King Amenhotep III in 1392 BC, completed by Tutankhamun (1336-27 BC), and then expanded by Rameses II (1279-13 BC). It is known today as the Temple of

0 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. The village, which later evolved into what is now the city of Hurghada, was first settled in 1905. It acquired its name from a plant which has grown there naturally since the days of Ancient Egypt. Originally Hurghada was a fishing village. Oil was discovered in the area in 1913, and

0 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. Aswan is the ancient city of Swenett, later known as Syene, which in antiquity was the frontier town of Ancient Egypt facing the south. Swenett is supposed to have derived its name from an Egyptian goddess with the same name. This goddess later was identified as Eileithyia by the Greeks and Lucina by the Romans during their occupation of Ancient Egypt

Ain El-Sokhna
0 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. Recent archaeological excavations have shown that there was an ancient Egyptian port and settlement in this area. The site was first brought to attention in 1999 by Professor Mahmud Abd El Raziq. French and Egyptian archaeologists have been investigating this area since that time. As early as the Old Kingdom,

0 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. Recent radiocarbon dating of seashell fragments and lead contamination show human activity at the location during the period of the Old Kingdom (27th–21st centuries BC) and again in the period 1000–800 BC, followed by the absence of activity thereafter. From ancient sources it is known there existed a trading post at this location during the

2 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. Cairo has its roots in the ancient settlement of Memphis, now 24km (15 miles) southwest of the city. It was founded in 2,000 BC and ruled by King Menes who united Upper and Lower Egypt. In the 1st century, the Romans built the Babylon fortress on the Nile, the oldest

1 TourHistory Ancient history and settlement. Giza is most famous as the location of the Giza Plateau, the site of some of the most impressive ancient monuments in the world, including a complex of ancient Egyptian royal mortuary and sacred structures, including the Great Sphinx, the Great Pyramid of Giza, and a number of other large pyramids and temples. Giza has always been

Port Said
0 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. Port Said was founded by Sa’id of Egypt on Easter Monday, April 25, 1859, when Ferdinand de Lesseps gave the first symbolic swing of the pickaxe to signal the beginning of construction. The first problem encountered was the difficulty for ships to drop anchor nearby. Luckily, a single rocky outcrop flush with the shoreline

Sharm El-Sheikh
0 ToursGeschichte Alte Geschichte und Siedlung. Sharm el-Sheikh war aufgrund seines unerschwinglichen Klimas während des größten Teils der historischen Zeit unbewohnt, gewann jedoch aufgrund seiner strategischen Lage an der engen Einfahrt zum Golf von Akaba moderne Bedeutung. Der Eingang befindet sich 23 km nordöstlich der Bucht von Sharm el-Sheikh an der Straße von Tiran. Die von

0 Tours历史 古老的历史和定居点。 由于气候恶劣,沙姆沙伊赫在历史上的大部分时间都无人居住,但由于其位于亚喀巴湾狭窄入口的战略位置,它获得了现代重要性。 入口位于蒂朗海峡沙姆沙伊赫湾东北 14 英里(23 公里)处。 海峡被小岛和珊瑚礁阻挡,西边是 Raʾs Naṣrānī 海角,东边是蒂朗岛。 在以色列的独立战争(1948-49 年)之后,埃及在该地区安装了枪支,以防止船只到达以色列位于亚喀巴湾的唯一港口埃拉特。 地理 沙姆沙伊赫市与纳马湾、黑尔努尔、哈达巴、Rowaysat、蒙塔扎和鲨鱼湾形成一个大都市区 1967 年之前,沙姆沙伊赫只是少数当地渔民的临时作业基地; 最近的永久定居点位于 Ras El Nasrani(“蒂朗海峡”)以北的 Nabk。 该地区的商业开发始于以色列人建造奥菲拉定居点,俯瞰沙姆沙姆玛雅湾和内西马地区,并在北部 6 公里(4 英里)的纳马湾开设了该地区第一家以旅游为导向的场所。 其中包括海湾南侧的码头酒店、北侧的自然田野学校、潜水俱乐部、长廊和纳马湾酒店。 沙姆沙伊赫之旅 $1,300 ” CLEOPATRA ” RUNDRISEN MIT SCHIFF IN ÄGYPTEN Ägypten Touren, Nilkreuzfahrten 0 review(s) 6 days $350 4 Tage Nilkreuzfahrt Luxor, Assuan, Abu Simbel mit Bahntickets ab

0 ToursGeschichte Alte Geschichte und Siedlung. Die Stadt wurde zwischen 282 v. Chr. und 268 v. Chr. von Satyrus (altgriechisch: Σάτυρος) gegründet. Es wurde Philotera (altgriechisch: Φιλωτέρα) zu Ehren der verstorbenen Schwester des Pharaos Ptolemaios II. Philadelphus genannt. Stephanus von Byzanz schreibt, dass es auch Philoterida (altgriechisch: Φιλωτερίδα) genannt wurde.Safaga City gilt als eines der wichtigsten therapeutischen
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